
Some useful “do’s and don’ts” to consider when searching for this elusive yet ideal performance state in sport. At Chi Performance things are done a little differently; maybe that’s because my approach

Overcoming Performance Anxiety in Sport

Read the next excerpt from Jayne Storey’s forthcoming book, The Athlete’s Ascent. Chapter Two; Overcoming Performance Anxiety Here are a few of the praise quotes

Relaxed Readiness

Training the state of “relaxed readiness” is something all those involved in meditation and the martial arts understand. So why aren’t we doing this in

Connected Putting

New Brain Booster podcast (July ’23) I was pleased to be invited back to speak with Karl Morris about how athletes must allow performance to

Our Vision for Golf and Sport

Over the past year, I have been working with half a dozen long-term students from several different countries including the UK, United States, France, Sweden and

The Gemma Dryburgh Interview

Read how Gemma’s Performance Practice helped clinch the best win of her career. Congratulations to my student, Gemma Dryburgh, who won her first LPGA Tour

Golf Smarter podcast

Many thanks to Fred Greene for having me back on his show; I think that’s the third time now! Here’s the write-up for the episode;

Mind-Body Connection (podcast)

Thanks to Jon Roy PGA of Canada and Pure Golf Collective for this great interview. Mind-Body Connection with Jayne Storey (53’:03”) You can find out

Connected Golf; Contents (Part One)

Here’s what you’ll be learning in Part One of my new book, Connected Golf; Bridging the Gap Between Practice and Performance – available now from

What is a Performance Practice?

To perform under pressure, you need a performance practice. We spoke about the new paradigm of the mind-body connection; when trained and applied in real-time

Three Levels of Golf Performance

Where are you on the Performance Pyramid and how can you raise your game to Level Three: Connected Golf? Since you are reading this blog